Our blog…

Emma Packer Emma Packer

CiC (Confidence in Concept) Study

CiC (Confidence in Concept) Study - Understanding medication adherence and its effect on daily-life motor function in people with Parkinson's

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Rachael Lawson Rachael Lawson

Feedback from the NEC-RIG Research Engagement Day

We asked attendees to complete a feedback form to find out how we could improve events in the future. Find out what worked well, what worked less well and what we want to do in the future by reading the full blog.

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Rosie Varden Rosie Varden

Caroline Rassell, CEO of Parkinson’s UK, visits researchers in Newcastle!

Caroline Rassell, CEO of Parkinson’s UK, was keen to attend our Research Day in March and had very kindly agreed to give a keynote speech. She was eager to make the most of time here in the North East by staying on another day. The extra opportunity to showcase some of the brilliant work going on in the North East and Cumbria was one we, as the NEC-RIG committee, could not refuse!

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Rachael Lawson Rachael Lawson

What’s it like being involved in research?

I was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2008… Within a few months of my diagnosis, I took up the invitation to be part of the ICICLE-PD Study in Newcastle… And after that I pretty much signed up for every study going

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Write a blog!

Do you have an idea for blog? Or do you have some research findings you would like to share with the Parkinson’s community? We’d love to hear from you!

Contact us at parkinsonsnecrig@gmail.com